




  所以我了解到,身為一個來自富裕國家和受良好教育的我,有責任去幫助那些不如我幸運的人。 我也體會到,當我說「所有人都是神的子女」時,我必須去關照我的父老兄弟姐妹,無論他們是什麼國籍、年紀,是好人還是壞人,我們都來自同一個家庭。


  我喜愛在這個專案中與台灣的年輕人一同生活、工作,因為他們非常慷慨和具有才華。即使他們不知如何著手進行,他們也會試圖找尋解決之道,互助幫忙。我希望透過這次幫助窮困兒童的教育經驗 ,可以讓台灣的學生知道他們之於台灣社會的重要性。他們很幸運居住在台灣這塊土地。


新竹, 4/15/2008

 Fr. Lombart

My name is Jean-Pascal Lombart. I have just celebrated 40 years old. I came to Taiwan 10 years ago and have learned Chinese language. This is the 7th language I learn and the most difficult by far. When I was in Tanzania, I learned Kiswahili in 6 months, but after almost 20 years, I have forgotten a lot.

I came to Taiwan as a missionary to serve the people of Taiwan and share my faith in the Love of God. Ever since I was at school in France, I had activities with young people: the trust and support of others gave me self confidence that I could be useful and that I was able to give a service to people.

When I was studying to be a priest, I went to Tanzania for 2 years and enjoyed meeting with the people there. Despite their poverty, they were very hospitable to me and helping each other. But I also saw that because of the lack of school and education, their life was difficult and they did not know how to improve it.

So I understood that, having the luck to come from a rich country and having been to school, I had a responsibility to help those who were not as lucky as me.

I also understood that when I say ‘all human beings are children of God???, then I have to take care of my brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, no matter who they are, no matter what is their nationality, their age, if they are nice or not nice people: we are from the same family.

Finally, I understood that helping the education of a person is giving him or her a chance to be free, to make choices, to use their capacities and talents to take care of their own family, their neighbors, their country. I cannot help all the poor of the world, but when I give a chance of education to one person, I help to change his or her world, and I hope he or she will try to do the same.

 I like to live and work with young Taiwanese on this project, because they are very generous and talented: even when they don't know how to do, they will try to find a solution and help each other. I hope that through this experience of helping the education of poor children, the students of Taiwan will see the importance of their responsibilities in Taiwan society because they are very lucky to live in Taiwan.

I also hope that they will realize that they can change the world, one person at a time, starting with themselves. I hope that together we can make our families, our school, Taiwan and the world a little bit better. I am sure that this is the main reason why God gave us life. God will bless us, for sure.

Hsinchu, 4/15/2008