

Due to the effects of globalisation Tanzania has experienced economic prosperity and various technological developments in recent times, however instead of bringing the social progress one would expect it has only widened the poverty gap further. In addition to this, regional diseases and epidemics have long devastated the country which makes this country left on the margin around the globe. The Tanzanian economy consists mainly of basic agriculture and the majority of the population do not receive a primary education, therefore the country has a severe shortage of skilled labour in most professional fields.

Through generous funding from the United Nations, the Tanzanian Government is able to fund ventures positively relating to education, promoting its importance amongst the youth and encouraging students to attend school. However, as a result of the lack of teaching professionals in the country, high school students often serve as the teachers for primary school students and government authorities are powerless to act against the development of such problems.

In contrast, there are abundant educational resources in Taiwan, a country known worldwide for its expertise in the IT industry. The Centre for Learning Service of NTHU (National Tsinghua University) hence established the "NTHU Tanzania Educational Volunteer Team" in early 2008 and invited Fr. Jean-Pascal Lombart to be team leader and consultant; he has been stationed in Tanzania for many years. Our goals are to transfer the resources we often take for granted to those who have nothing, by this we hope to improve the standard of education and help eliminate some of the economic and social problems aforementioned.

Thus, the students of National Tsing Hua University, which is famous for its IT department, have decided to volunteer themselves to the programme and help improve both computer hardware and software in Tanzania. Through our efforts year by year, we hope to build up communities with enough computers and increase the utility rate of these computers via our influence in said communities so that the distance between Tanzania and the world will be shortened.

So far we have established computer classes in two primary schools and four high schools across Tanzania, and also offered local teachers computer courses to cultivate their ability to learn the computer skills by themselves. Among these schools, some of the primary schools we served in 2009 have then been able to open computer classes of their own, and these have been running ever since, for more than three years.

Our team has received an award for NGO international participated exhibition of achievements 2011, the MaD Award 2011, a champion of the ASUS foundation and ADOC International Volunteer Programme Award 2013 and was nominated for the Youth Volunteer service for Regional Peace National Competition 2008-2012. NTHU Tanzania Educational Volunteer Team is viewed in a positive light around the globe.

As of 2014 our team is now 7 years of age. This year, our team has recruited 14 students with different professions and we are going to bring 100 computers sponsored by ©ASUSTeK Computer Inc. to high schools in Tanzania to build more computer classes and offer computer and science information. We hope through our efforts, starting from education, those children in Africa will no longer suffer from shortage of information because of limitations imposed by their environment. We want to make them visible in the world, with no more people left behind on this planet. We expect that the community we built will make Tanzanians closer to the world; they will be able to take advantage of the Internet services at their disposal to share what they see to each other whilst surfing, making positive progress to the society and country as a whole.



相較之下,台灣教育資源豐富充裕,其中更以3C產業立足世界。國立清華大學志工中心於2008年始成立「坦尚尼亞教育志工團」,邀請曾在坦尚尼亞服務多年的法國籍神父──龍若望神父 (Fr. Jean-Pascal Lombart) 擔任領隊及顧問,遂以將台灣豐富的資源傳遞給渴望知識的坦國學童。

在此,以資訊專長的清華大學 學生決定擔任協辦者的角色,提供當地電腦軟硬體方面的幫助,並期望在逐年的努力下,能夠讓當地建立起電腦社區,透過社區內彼此的影響力,促使電腦的使用率 更為普及,進而縮短當地居民、孩童與世界的距離。時至今日,我們已為坦尚尼亞二小學與四中學建立電腦教室,並為當地老師開設電腦課程,培養電腦自學的能 力。其中,於2009年所服務的小學已能夠自行開設電腦課程,而該課程已進行三年。此外,本團隊也於2011年榮獲香港MaD創不同大獎優異獎與NGO國際參與成果展冠軍,受國內外肯定。

2014年的今天,坦尚尼亞教育志工團也邁入第七年,本團招募來自14位不同科系、不同專長的學生,將帶著所募集之100台電腦前往坦尚尼亞第一男子中學─ Marian男子中學,為他們建立電腦教室,並提供電腦與科學的教學與資訊。希望藉由這份堅持的力量,從教育方面著手,使非洲的孩童們不再 受限於環境的貧乏,不再錯過因資訊而引起的經濟革命,讓他們能與世界連線,跟上世界的腳步。更希望所建立的社區網路能在當地發揮其影響、功能,產生外溢效果,讓社區能分享彼此從網路上的所見所聞,促進對該社區與社會正向的影響。